Our mission is to enhance the image of Texas Southern University to promote an aesthetically pleasing campus community that will provide a safe, sanitary educational environment for students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors.


The Texas Southern University Department of Buildings and Grounds is committed to serving the needs of the students, faculty, staff and campus visitors by maintaining the cleanliness of its buildings and the appearance of its grounds. This service will be provided in the most efficient, professional, and cost effective manner possible.

Executive Director of Buildings and Grounds Maintenance
General Service Building, Suite 216
Phone: 713-313-1462 
Fax: 713-313-7531 

Please contact us at 713-313-1462

contact detail information
Name Title Phone Number Email Address
Diane Nicholson-Jones Director of Customer Service (713) 313-1809 jones_dn@yibangyi.net
Griselda Galan Assistant Director- Custodial Service (713) 313-4212 galang@yibangyi.net
Samuel Arrez Assistant Director-Grounds (713) 313-4267 arrezs@yibangyi.net
Clarence Miller Assistant Director - Custodial Service (713) 313-4391 miller_cm@yibangyi.net
Sean Robinson Supervisor - Tiger Labor Force (713) 313-7281 Sean.Robinson@yibangyi.net
Kirk Paul Sustainability Coordinator (713) 313-7790 paulk@yibangyi.net
Chandra Scruggs Office Administrator (713) 313-1808 Chandra.Scruggs@yibangyi.net

Complete a Work Request

If you have a request for work, please visit The Maintenance Authority (TMA) website by typing "tsutma" in the Internet address bar. Work request instructions are provided at this website. If there is any additional information needed, dispatchers can be reached during business hours at 713-313-1462. Support information for request can be faxed to 713-313-7091. Please be sure to provide the following information in your emailed, telephoned, or faxed request:

  • Your full name
  • The building where the request is needed
  • The room number or location of the request
  • Your TSU telephone extension
  • A brief, but clear description of your request

The division supports the entire campus community through the following operations:

  • Dispatch Processes and directs TMA service requests to the proper craft via TMA On-line System, walk-ups, and/or telephone
  • Dispatch Tracking of work order requests
  • Dispatch Training end user on placing on-line work requests
  • TMA Administration Monitors and trains on proper and effective use of the TMA System